With 8 liver-friendly ingredients, Corbicula Ball EX helps support liver health and may help decrease fatigue.*
60 PACKETS (2.1 OZ, 60G) / Approx. 2 Month Supply
Corbicula: Corbicula is a small freshwater clam that is a good source of proteins, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and essential amino acids. It is easy to digest and absorb.
Silymarin from Milk Thistle: Silymarin is a flowering herb that is used as an active ingredient to support liver health.
Propolis extract: High-quality propolis extract from Brazil
L-ornithine: This amino-acid has hepatoprotective properties (i.e. helps the liver)
Broccoli sprout extract: Good source of sulforaphane
Turmeric: Turmeric is a common spice that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Oyster extract, Zinc
Help maintain your liver health with nutrient rich ingredients.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
aq**** /
Oh, it seems to be effective. The delivery was neat and it arrived safely!!
오 효과가 좋은거 같아요.배송도 깔끔흐고 잘 왔어용 !!
pl***** /
I bought it because they said it was good for the liver. I will eat it regularly!
간에 좋다고해서 구입했습니다. 꾸준히 먹겠습니다!
bi***** /
I am taking it as recommended and plan to continue taking it in the future.
추천받아 복용중인데 앞으로 계속 복용할 예정입니다.
75***** /
The price keeps going up, but I bought 3 at once and ended up having to pay customs and VAT. Still, it's a relief to get an extra half-can! The expira... tion date is December 25. It was carefully packaged and arrived via post office delivery. It arrived in 4 days. It's the fastest!! Show more
가격이 자꾸 오르는데 3개를 한꺼번에 샀더니 관세 부가세가 나왔네요 ㅠㅠ
그래도 추가로 반통짜리 주셔서 위안이 됩니다!
유통기한 25년12월 입니다
포장 꼼꼼히 우체국택배로 왔어요
배송도 4일만에 도착했습니다
제일 빠르네요!!