蜆: 蜆是一種小型淡水蛤, 是蛋白質, 維生素, 鈣, 磷, 鐵和必需氨基酸的良好來源, 它很容易被身體消化吸收
水飛薊素: 水飛薊素來自於一種開花的草本植物-奶薊草, 是一種幫助肝臟保持健康的活性成分。
蜂膠精華: 來自巴西的優質蜂膠提取物。
L-鳥氨酸: 這是一種特別的保護肝臟的氨基酸。
西藍花精華: 是蘿蔔硫素的良好來源。
薑黃: 薑黃是一種常見的香料, 具有抗氧化和抗炎特性。
牡蠣精華, 鋅
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.