New Umeken Koso Ball combines the power of the fermented ingredients from 3 special sources.
The 160 fermented ingredients, exceptional in both quality and rarity, are then blended and formed into an extract ball using Umeken’s proprietary ball-making technology.
Approx. 970 PIECES (13.2 OZ, 370G) / Approx. 4 Month Supply
Now with 160 fermented ingredients! Umeken NEW Koso Ball
36 types of fruits:
Akebi, Acerola, Avocado, Amla, Apricot, Raspberry, Fig, Japanese-apricot, Orange, Persimmon, Camu Camu, Kiwifruit, Kumuquat, Guava, Grape, Grapefruit, Carambola, Navel orange, Pineapple, Banana, Papaya, Ponkan-orange, Mango, Melon, Citron, Pear, Apple, Lemon, Iyokan-orange, Koji orange, Shaddock, Amanatsu orange, Hassaku orange, Mandarin orange, Wild Grape, Myrica
27 types of vegetables:
Radish, Winter Squash, Cassava, Cabbage, Cucumber, Collards, Edible Burdock, Sweet Potato, Perilla, Gilo, Watermelon, Celery, Daikon Radish, Onion, Chicory, Red Pepper, Tomato, Carrot, Garlic, Parsley, Bell Pepper, Mung Bean Sprouts, Tiger Lily bulb, Sacred Lotus, West Indian Gherkin, Mallow, Yacon
68 types of herbs and seaweeds:
Amatyazuru, Aromatic Solomon's Seal, Fig Leaf, Ginkgo, Turmeric, Eleuthero, Sickle-Pod Senna Seed, Asian Plantain, Persimmon Leaf, Catuaba, Chamomile, Guarana, Carqueja, Licorice, Platycodon, Cat's Claw, Lycium Fruit, Lycium Leaf, Clove, Steamed Asian Ginseng, Asian Ginseng, Chapeu-De-Couro, Ginger, Horsetail, Stevia, William's Elder, Andrographis, White Mulberry Leaf, Taheebo, Dandelion Root, Tienchi Ginseng, Houttuynia, Eucommia Leaf, Jujube, Nandina Leaf, Japanese Honeysuckle, Lotus Leaf, Pata De Vaca, Phaffia, Coffee Senna, Picão, Japanese Plum Leaf, Wild Geranium, Safflower, Maca, Nikko Maple, Peach Leaf, Mugwort, Luo Han Guo, Rooibos, West Indian Lemongrass, Rosemary, Ground Ivy, Japanese Mallotus, Isodon Herb, St. John's Wort, Kuma Bamboo Grass, New Zealand Spinach, Passion Flower, Maté, Yacon Leaf, Pine Leaf, Zedoary, Kombu, Laver, Wakame, Green laver, Hijiki
29 types of grains and mushrooms:
Adzuki Bean, Pea, Oat, Barley, Millet, Sesame, Common Bean, Black soybean, Brown Rice, Corn, Sweet corn, Popcorn corn, White sesame, Soybean, Rice, Job's Tears, Chickpea, Common Bean(jalo bean), Common Bean(roxinho bean), Rye, Lentil, Foxtail-millet, Cashew Nut, Japanese Walnut, Brazil Nut, Reishi, Shiitake, White Mushroom, Almond Mushroom
Maintain your overall health by replenishing your enzymes with 160 ingredients.
Enzymes are used in various functions such as digestion and the breakdown of food. When enzymes become insufficient in our body, metabolic ability drops down to an extent where digestion and breakdown of food become difficult, causing the body to feel more tired and exhausted.
When enzymes are low, breakdown and digestion of food slows down, making the food stay in the stomach much longer than usual. Continuation of this vicious cycle adversely affects our health.
The number of antioxidant, digestive, and metabolic enzymes are found to decline drastically as we age. Amylase enzymes secreted in the saliva of seniors in their 70’s are found to be 30x less than those of men in their 20’s.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
cj***** /
I bought it because a friend recommended it to me as it helps with digestion. I'm looking forward to the results.
지인분이 소화잘된다고 추천해주셔서 구매합니다~ 효과는 기대해볼게요
jo***** /
I am hoping for an effect and am sending it to my parents as recommended by an acquaintance. If it is effective in a month, I will order again.
효과 기대해 보며 지인 추천으로 부모님께 보내드려요
한달후에 효과있으면 재주문할께요
lj***** /
4y**** /
It's fun to chew! At first, it was a burden because I had to take 8 pills, but after chewing one or two pills at a time, it was sweet and worth eating... . Since it was an enzyme pill, I thought it would have a musty smell, but it wasn't that bad, a bit like red pepper paste? It tastes the same haha Show more
씹는 재미가있어요! 처음엔 8알 먹어야해서 부담이었는데, 한 두 알씩 씹어먹으니 달달하고 먹을만 합니다. 효소환이어서 쿰쿰한 냄새가 날 줄 알았는데 별로 그렇진않고 약간 고추장? 같은 맛이 나요ㅎㅎ