New Umeken Koso Ball combines the power of the fermented ingredients from 3 special sources.
The 160 fermented ingredients, exceptional in both quality and rarity, are then blended and formed into an extract ball using Umeken’s proprietary ball-making technology.
Approx. 970 PIECES (13.2 OZ, 370G) + Approx. 340 PIECES (4.6 OZ, 130G) / Approx. 5.5 Month Supply
Now with 160 fermented ingredients! Umeken NEW Koso Ball
36 types of fruits:
Akebi, Acerola, Avocado, Amla, Apricot, Raspberry, Fig, Japanese-apricot, Orange, Persimmon, Camu Camu, Kiwifruit, Kumuquat, Guava, Grape, Grapefruit, Carambola, Navel orange, Pineapple, Banana, Papaya, Ponkan-orange, Mango, Melon, Citron, Pear, Apple, Lemon, Iyokan-orange, Koji orange, Shaddock, Amanatsu orange, Hassaku orange, Mandarin orange, Wild Grape, Myrica
27 types of vegetables:
Radish, Winter Squash, Cassava, Cabbage, Cucumber, Collards, Edible Burdock, Sweet Potato, Perilla, Gilo, Watermelon, Celery, Daikon Radish, Onion, Chicory, Red Pepper, Tomato, Carrot, Garlic, Parsley, Bell Pepper, Mung Bean Sprouts, Tiger Lily bulb, Sacred Lotus, West Indian Gherkin, Mallow, Yacon
68 types of herbs and seaweeds:
Amatyazuru, Aromatic Solomon's Seal, Fig Leaf, Ginkgo, Turmeric, Eleuthero, Sickle-Pod Senna Seed, Asian Plantain, Persimmon Leaf, Catuaba, Chamomile, Guarana, Carqueja, Licorice, Platycodon, Cat's Claw, Lycium Fruit, Lycium Leaf, Clove, Steamed Asian Ginseng, Asian Ginseng, Chapeu-De-Couro, Ginger, Horsetail, Stevia, William's Elder, Andrographis, White Mulberry Leaf, Taheebo, Dandelion Root, Tienchi Ginseng, Houttuynia, Eucommia Leaf, Jujube, Nandina Leaf, Japanese Honeysuckle, Lotus Leaf, Pata De Vaca, Phaffia, Coffee Senna, Picão, Japanese Plum Leaf, Wild Geranium, Safflower, Maca, Nikko Maple, Peach Leaf, Mugwort, Luo Han Guo, Rooibos, West Indian Lemongrass, Rosemary, Ground Ivy, Japanese Mallotus, Isodon Herb, St. John's Wort, Kuma Bamboo Grass, New Zealand Spinach, Passion Flower, Maté, Yacon Leaf, Pine Leaf, Zedoary, Kombu, Laver, Wakame, Green laver, Hijiki
29 types of grains and mushrooms:
Adzuki Bean, Pea, Oat, Barley, Millet, Sesame, Common Bean, Black soybean, Brown Rice, Corn, Sweet corn, Popcorn corn, White sesame, Soybean, Rice, Job's Tears, Chickpea, Common Bean(jalo bean), Common Bean(roxinho bean), Rye, Lentil, Foxtail-millet, Cashew Nut, Japanese Walnut, Brazil Nut, Reishi, Shiitake, White Mushroom, Almond Mushroom
Maintain your overall health by replenishing your enzymes with 160 ingredients.
Enzymes are used in various functions such as digestion and the breakdown of food. When enzymes become insufficient in our body, metabolic ability drops down to an extent where digestion and breakdown of food become difficult, causing the body to feel more tired and exhausted.
When enzymes are low, breakdown and digestion of food slows down, making the food stay in the stomach much longer than usual. Continuation of this vicious cycle adversely affects our health.
The number of antioxidant, digestive, and metabolic enzymes are found to decline drastically as we age. Amylase enzymes secreted in the saliva of seniors in their 70’s are found to be 30x less than those of men in their 20’s.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Mi***** /
About 3 years ago, I had bleeding and severe dizziness, so I went to the hospital, and after a biopsy, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. After seei... ng the advertisement, I knew about Umeken to some extent, and at the recommendation of a friend, I listened to the explanation from the person in charge of Umeken, and started taking beta-glucan and enzymes. About 3 months after ingestion, when I went to the hospital for a re-examination, the special doctor knew that I would have to have an operation of course and offered to schedule the operation. However, the results of the test surprisingly improved, so I got the test again 3 months later and it was fine. After that, he continued to follow-up for 6 months and 1 year, and he said he was completely fine now. In the meantime, I heard about Lipopo, which boosts immunity and Black Garlic, which is said to strengthen stamina, and ate Lipopo and Black Garlic. After a common cold, I just got better and became more energetic. After renovation last winter, I was depressed and lost motivation because of menopause symptoms, so I added pomegranate extract and started eating. My son bought me a small potted plant, but it was withered and almost dying. I drank it thinking that it had to be left to be the best, but I gave him alkaline water made from the remaining WaveQ. The leaves became shiny and the leaves grew one by one, and I was surprised to see them grow taller. I was surprised. Just pollen has such a good effect, and when people drink it, it feels like dying cells will come back to life.
There are a lot of cancer patients around me, and I`ve seen a lot of people who end their lives after spending their time clinging to radiation and chemotherapy.
It`s really sad. I am writing this with the hope that at least one person will win the battle against cancer by sharing my experiences with many patients who do not know that cancer must be treated with the healing power of the body by increasing immunity.
By making better products, I hope that you will become a guide to health for modern people whose health is threatened by pollution and harmful substances.
thank you. Show more
저는 약 3년전에 하혈을 하고 어지러움이 심해서 병원에 갔더니 조직 검사를 한 후에 자궁암으로 진행중이라는 진단을 받았습니다. 광고를 보고 어느정도 우메켄을 알고 있는 상태에서 친구의 권유로 우메켄 담당자의 설명을 듣고 베타 글루칸과 효소를 섭취하게 되었습니다. 섭취후 약 3개월후에 재검을 하기 위해서 병원을 찾았을 때 스페셜 닥터는 당연히 수술을 해야 할 줄로 알고 수술 스케줄을 잡아 주겠다고 했어요. 그러나 검사 결과 놀랍게도 좋아졌다고해서 3개월후에 다시 검사를 받으니 괜찮아졌다는 겁니다. 그 후로 6개월, 1년간 계속 추적 검사를 했는데 이제는 완전히 괜찮아졌다고 하더군요. 그러던중에 면역력을 키워주는 리포포와 체력을 강화 한다는 블랙 갈릭에 대해서 설명을 듣고 리포포랑 블랙 갈릭을 먹었더니 웬만한 감기는 왔다가 그냥 낫고 활기가 왕성해 졌습니다. 지난 겨울에 레노베이션을 하고 갱년기 증상 때문인지 우울하고 의욕이 상실되어서 석류 액기스를 추가해서 먹기 시작했는데 우울한 기분이 언제 그랬냐는 듯이 깨끗하게 없어지고 늘 기쁘고 즐거운 마음이 들어서 행복하답니다. 저의 아들이 작은 화분 하나를 사다 주었는데 시들시들 해지고 거의 죽어가는 화분이었는데 밑져야 본전이다 라는 생각으로 마시다가 남은 웨이브큐로 만든 알칼리수를 주었더니 잎사귀가 윤기가 나고 잎이 하나 둘 나더니 키도 쑥쑥 커서 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 단지 화분에도 이렇게 좋은 효과가 있는데 사람이 마시면 죽어가던 세포들이 살아날 것 같은 느낌이 들더군요.
제 주변에는 많은 암환자분들이 계시는데 많은 분들이 방사선 치료 및 항암치료에 매달리면서 시간을 보내고 생을 마감하시는 분들을 많이 봐오고 있습니다.
참 안타까운 마음입니다. 암을 면역력을 키워서 내 몸안의 치유력으로 치료해야 한다는 것을 알지 못하는 많은 환우분들께 제 경험을 알려드려서 한 분이라도 암과 싸워서 이기시기를 바라는 마음으로 이 글을 씁니다.
더욱더 좋은 제품을 만들어 주셔서 공해와 유해한 것들로부터 건강이 위협을 받는 현대인들에게 건강의 길잡이가 되어 주시길 바랍니다.
ë***** /
My husband and I were really tired of life lethargic due to chronic constipation and chronic fatigue.. After taking enzyme pills, I could feel a light... er body..
Taking care of the health of the whole family with Umeken.
It is good to meet reliable health food Show more
신랑과 저는 만성변비에 만성피로 정말 무기력한 생활에 지쳐있었는데..효소환을 먹은후 한결 가벼워진 몸을 느낄 수 있었습니다..
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