New Umeken Koso Ball combines the power of the fermented ingredients from 3 special sources.
The 160 fermented ingredients, exceptional in both quality and rarity, are then blended and formed into an extract ball using Umeken’s proprietary ball-making technology.
Approx. 970 PIECES (13.2 OZ, 370G) + Approx. 340 PIECES (4.6 OZ, 130G) / Approx. 5.5 Month Supply
Now with 160 fermented ingredients! Umeken NEW Koso Ball
36 types of fruits:
Akebi, Acerola, Avocado, Amla, Apricot, Raspberry, Fig, Japanese-apricot, Orange, Persimmon, Camu Camu, Kiwifruit, Kumuquat, Guava, Grape, Grapefruit, Carambola, Navel orange, Pineapple, Banana, Papaya, Ponkan-orange, Mango, Melon, Citron, Pear, Apple, Lemon, Iyokan-orange, Koji orange, Shaddock, Amanatsu orange, Hassaku orange, Mandarin orange, Wild Grape, Myrica
27 types of vegetables:
Radish, Winter Squash, Cassava, Cabbage, Cucumber, Collards, Edible Burdock, Sweet Potato, Perilla, Gilo, Watermelon, Celery, Daikon Radish, Onion, Chicory, Red Pepper, Tomato, Carrot, Garlic, Parsley, Bell Pepper, Mung Bean Sprouts, Tiger Lily bulb, Sacred Lotus, West Indian Gherkin, Mallow, Yacon
68 types of herbs and seaweeds:
Amatyazuru, Aromatic Solomon's Seal, Fig Leaf, Ginkgo, Turmeric, Eleuthero, Sickle-Pod Senna Seed, Asian Plantain, Persimmon Leaf, Catuaba, Chamomile, Guarana, Carqueja, Licorice, Platycodon, Cat's Claw, Lycium Fruit, Lycium Leaf, Clove, Steamed Asian Ginseng, Asian Ginseng, Chapeu-De-Couro, Ginger, Horsetail, Stevia, William's Elder, Andrographis, White Mulberry Leaf, Taheebo, Dandelion Root, Tienchi Ginseng, Houttuynia, Eucommia Leaf, Jujube, Nandina Leaf, Japanese Honeysuckle, Lotus Leaf, Pata De Vaca, Phaffia, Coffee Senna, Picão, Japanese Plum Leaf, Wild Geranium, Safflower, Maca, Nikko Maple, Peach Leaf, Mugwort, Luo Han Guo, Rooibos, West Indian Lemongrass, Rosemary, Ground Ivy, Japanese Mallotus, Isodon Herb, St. John's Wort, Kuma Bamboo Grass, New Zealand Spinach, Passion Flower, Maté, Yacon Leaf, Pine Leaf, Zedoary, Kombu, Laver, Wakame, Green laver, Hijiki
29 types of grains and mushrooms:
Adzuki Bean, Pea, Oat, Barley, Millet, Sesame, Common Bean, Black soybean, Brown Rice, Corn, Sweet corn, Popcorn corn, White sesame, Soybean, Rice, Job's Tears, Chickpea, Common Bean(jalo bean), Common Bean(roxinho bean), Rye, Lentil, Foxtail-millet, Cashew Nut, Japanese Walnut, Brazil Nut, Reishi, Shiitake, White Mushroom, Almond Mushroom
Maintain your overall health by replenishing your enzymes with 160 ingredients.
Enzymes are used in various functions such as digestion and the breakdown of food. When enzymes become insufficient in our body, metabolic ability drops down to an extent where digestion and breakdown of food become difficult, causing the body to feel more tired and exhausted.
When enzymes are low, breakdown and digestion of food slows down, making the food stay in the stomach much longer than usual. Continuation of this vicious cycle adversely affects our health.
The number of antioxidant, digestive, and metabolic enzymes are found to decline drastically as we age. Amylase enzymes secreted in the saliva of seniors in their 70’s are found to be 30x less than those of men in their 20’s.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Ch***** /
I have been taking blood pressure medication for 17 years because of my genetics, but even if I take blood pressure medication, my blood pressure rise... s if I pay attention. Even though I was older, I didn`t want to ask for a stronger medicine, and I was hesitant because it put a burden on my stomach. Even if I take the medicine, my blood pressure keeps rising, so I am struggling. 3 years ago, the owner of the store I worked at gave me a health journal, and when I read, “If you don’t have enough enzymes in your body, taking supplements is no use.” I also have enzymes. Realizing that it was not enough, I immediately ordered an enzyme ring. And because the joints in my knee were so bad, whenever I took a footstep, I felt pain as if my knee was being cut with a knife. The doctor said that even if you get 5 tropical injections per side, it`s fine for a while, but if it comes back and it gets worse, you have to have surgery. After taking the enzyme pill, I have never had a cold. And when I took Umeken Fermented L-Calcium, the pain in my knee disappeared from one day. Now, even if I walk for 30 minutes every morning, my body is light and I feel refreshed, and it is so good. Show more
저는 유전으로 혈압약을 17년간을 복용하고 있었는데 혈압약을 복용하여도 조금만 신경을 쓰면 혈압이 올라가서 고민하고 있었습니다. 나이도 있는데 더 쎈 약을 처방해 달라고 하기도 싫었고 위에 부담이 오기 때문에 망설이고 있었습니다. 약을 복용해도 효과를 보지 못하고 혈압이 자꾸 올라가서 고민중에 있는데 3년전에 제가 일하던 가게 주인이 건강저널을 주셔서 읽다가 "몸속에 효소가 부족하면 보약을 먹어도 소용이 없다"는것을 읽을때 나도 효소가 부족하다는 것을 알게 되어 즉시 효소환을 주문하게 되었습니다. 그리고 무릎에 관절이 심해서 발자국을 띨때마다 무릎이 칼로 짜르는것 같은 통증을 느끼고 있었습니다. 주사도 한쪽에 5대씩 열대를 맞아도 얼마간 괜찮다가 다시 생기고 심해지면 수술해야 된다고 의사선생님께서 말씀하셨습니다.효소환을 복용한 후에 혈압이 많이 내려가고 아침에 일어나면 몸이 가볍고 겨울이면 감기몸살을 꼭 한 두번 앓았는데 효소환을 복용한 후로는 감기몸살에 걸린적이 없습니다. 그리고 우메켄 발효 L칼슘을 복용하니 언젠가부터 무릎에 통증이 사라졌습니다. 지금은 매일 아침 30분씩 걷기운동을 해도 몸이 가볍고 기분이 상쾌하고 너무 좋습니다.
DO***** /
Jamie Yang listened to my symptoms and explained it in a gentle and coherent manner, confidently recommending enzyme conversion.
I was engrosse... d in my business, so there was a lot of work, and the cost of doing so was ruining my health. Fatigue was accumulated, and degenerative arthritis occurred in the joints of the fingers, and the body was heavy like cotton that has been soaked in water. There were days when it was really difficult to sustain my daily life. About 20 days after taking it, my body became lighter and my arthritis pain got better, which gave me courage and vitality in my life. Thanks to Umeken and Jamie Yang for trustworthy product management. Show more
Jamie Yang씨는 나의 증세를 듣고 상냥하고 조리있게 설명하며 자신있게 효소환정을 권하였고, 나는 조금 비싸다는 생각을 하면서도 신뢰하기에 먹어보기로 결정했습니다.
비지니스에 몰두하다보니 일도 많고 그에 대한 댓가는 건강이 무너지는 것이었습니다. 피로가 누적되고 손가락 마디에 퇴행성 관절염도 생기고 몸은 물먹은 솜처럼 무겁고, 모처럼 쉬는 날엔 자리에서 일어나지도 못하고 눈도 제대로 뜨지 못할정도로 힘이들었습니다. 그야말로 일상을 지탱하기가 힘든 날들을 보내고 있었습니다. 복용후 20일 쯤 되자 몸도 가벼워지면서 관절염 통증도 한결 나아지게 되었고, 이로 인해 내 삶에 용기가 생겼고 활력을 얻었습니다. 신뢰할 수 있도록 제품관리해주신 우메켄과 Jamie Yang씨에게 감사합니다.
I was treated for cancer in 1993. In 2003, it had metastasized to the shoulder area and received radiation therapy to the shoulder and chest area. Can... cer that has recurred once metastasized to a different site every year, so the chemotherapy was changed almost every year. When one side is treated, it occurs on the other side. In the very difficult and difficult fight against cancer, always pray, work hard according to the doctor`s instructions, and positively organize your mind.
In 2010, I developed symptoms of a sharp deterioration in my health due to a very severe cough and shortness of breath. Cancer has metastasized between the chest and lungs, so it is very difficult, and my body is weak and weak, so I don`t even have the strength to stand up. While I was trying to purchase a health journal from Seonghee Lim, who works there, I wanted to try Beta Gurucan in the science part, not a miracle. I had a lot of conversations with Mr. Seong-hee Lim, and I purchased beta-glucan and enzyme ring without any doubt, out of a sincere heart that he helped me in detail in consideration of the patient`s position. From the moment I started using it, I could feel the power of anti-cancer effect with my whole body. I wanted to deliver it to those in need, hoping that it will be really interesting and with a grateful heart. I have been taking it for the 3rd time so far, and I was very happy with the doctor`s words that the cancer had not spread and had not grown as a result of X-ray on July 24, 2012. The doctor was worried that the anticancer drug I received itself caused constipation, but the enzyme pill is really good for digestion and seems to be the number one solution for constipation. Diabetes mellitus caused by cancer has been around for 18 years, but as a result of several tests on Umeken enzyme ring, diabetes is almost at a normal level, so insulin doesn`t fit very well. I would like to tell you that it is the help of beta-glucan that allows me to work hard during current chemotherapy. Everyone be healthy. Show more
1993 년에 암 치료를 받았습니다. 2003년엔 어깨부위로 전이 되어서 어깨와 가슴부위에 방사선 치료를 받았습니다. 한번 재발된 암은 해마다 다른 부위로 전이되면서 거의 해마다 항암제를 바꿔가면서 투여받았습니다. 한쪽이 치료되면 다른쪽에 생기고 참 힘들고 어려운 암과의 싸움속에 항상 기도하며 의사의 지시에 따라 열심히 일하며 긍정적으로 마음의 정리를
하면서 살았는데 2010년에 너무 심한 기침과 호흡곤란증으로 건강이 급격히 악화되는 증상이 생겼습니다. 가슴과 폐 사이로 암이 전이되어 너무나 힘들고 몸은 약해질대로 약해져서 일어설 힘조차 없어서 건강에 보탬이 될 수 있는것을 찾던 중 친구소개로 우메켄을 알게 되었습니다. 그곳에 근무하시는 임성희씨에게 건강저널을 구입해 보던중 베타구루칸은 기적이 아니고 과학이라는 부분에서 한번 사용해 보고 싶었습니다. 임성희씨와 많은 대화를 나누었는데 환자의 입장을 고려해서 아주 상세하게 필요한것을 도와주시는 진심어린 마음에 의심없이 베타글루칸과 효소환을 구입했습니다. 사용하면서부터 항암효과를 보여주는 많은 힘을 온 몸으로 느낄 수가 있었습니다. 참으로 신기하면서 감사하는 마음으로 힘든 분들께 도움이 되길 바라며 전해드리고 싶었습니다. 현재까지 3통째 복용중인데 7월 24일 2012년 X-ray 결과 암은 전이된 곳이 없고 자라지도 않았다는 의사선생님 말씀에 너무나 기뻤습니다. 내가 받은 항암제 자체가 변비를 유발시킨다고 의사선생님이 걱정스러워 했는데 효소환은 정말 소화도 잘되고 변비 해결에 1등인것 같습니다. 항암으로 인해 생긴 당뇨는 18년이나 됐는데 우메켄 효소환을 몇번 테스트한 결과 당뇨는 거의 정상수치를 유지하고 있어서 인슐린도 거의 맞지 않습니다. 현재 항암치료 중에도 열심히 일할 수 있는 것은 베타글루칸의 도움이라고 전해드리고 싶습니다. 모든분들 건강하세요.
Je***** /
About two weeks after I started taking enzyme pills, my body improved to the extent that I thought I should buy another one, and my life became more e... nergized. At first, I thought it was a bit expensive, but when I ate it, the idea of how refreshing and light it is. My brother-in-law likes it so much, and he says he will have to buy it himself next time. Show more
효소환을 먹기시작하고 2주쯤 지나니까 하나더 사야겠다는 생각이 들 정도로 몸도 좋아지고 생활에 활력이 생겼습니다. 처음에 좀 비싸다는 생각이 들었는데, 먹어보니 몸이 얼마나 상쾌하고 가벼워지는지 비싸다는 생각은 어디가고, 한통 더 사서 밥맛도 없고 밤에 잠도 오지 않는다는 형부에게 효소환을 선물로 드렸답니다. 형부도 너무 좋아하시면서 다음에는 본인이 사서 드셔야 되겠다고 하십니다.