New Umeken Koso Ball combines the power of the fermented ingredients from 3 special sources.
The 160 fermented ingredients, exceptional in both quality and rarity, are then blended and formed into an extract ball using Umeken’s proprietary ball-making technology.
Approx. 970 PIECES (13.2 OZ, 370G) + Approx. 340 PIECES (4.6 OZ, 130G) / Approx. 5.5 Month Supply
Now with 160 fermented ingredients! Umeken NEW Koso Ball
36 types of fruits:
Akebi, Acerola, Avocado, Amla, Apricot, Raspberry, Fig, Japanese-apricot, Orange, Persimmon, Camu Camu, Kiwifruit, Kumuquat, Guava, Grape, Grapefruit, Carambola, Navel orange, Pineapple, Banana, Papaya, Ponkan-orange, Mango, Melon, Citron, Pear, Apple, Lemon, Iyokan-orange, Koji orange, Shaddock, Amanatsu orange, Hassaku orange, Mandarin orange, Wild Grape, Myrica
27 types of vegetables:
Radish, Winter Squash, Cassava, Cabbage, Cucumber, Collards, Edible Burdock, Sweet Potato, Perilla, Gilo, Watermelon, Celery, Daikon Radish, Onion, Chicory, Red Pepper, Tomato, Carrot, Garlic, Parsley, Bell Pepper, Mung Bean Sprouts, Tiger Lily bulb, Sacred Lotus, West Indian Gherkin, Mallow, Yacon
68 types of herbs and seaweeds:
Amatyazuru, Aromatic Solomon's Seal, Fig Leaf, Ginkgo, Turmeric, Eleuthero, Sickle-Pod Senna Seed, Asian Plantain, Persimmon Leaf, Catuaba, Chamomile, Guarana, Carqueja, Licorice, Platycodon, Cat's Claw, Lycium Fruit, Lycium Leaf, Clove, Steamed Asian Ginseng, Asian Ginseng, Chapeu-De-Couro, Ginger, Horsetail, Stevia, William's Elder, Andrographis, White Mulberry Leaf, Taheebo, Dandelion Root, Tienchi Ginseng, Houttuynia, Eucommia Leaf, Jujube, Nandina Leaf, Japanese Honeysuckle, Lotus Leaf, Pata De Vaca, Phaffia, Coffee Senna, Picão, Japanese Plum Leaf, Wild Geranium, Safflower, Maca, Nikko Maple, Peach Leaf, Mugwort, Luo Han Guo, Rooibos, West Indian Lemongrass, Rosemary, Ground Ivy, Japanese Mallotus, Isodon Herb, St. John's Wort, Kuma Bamboo Grass, New Zealand Spinach, Passion Flower, Maté, Yacon Leaf, Pine Leaf, Zedoary, Kombu, Laver, Wakame, Green laver, Hijiki
29 types of grains and mushrooms:
Adzuki Bean, Pea, Oat, Barley, Millet, Sesame, Common Bean, Black soybean, Brown Rice, Corn, Sweet corn, Popcorn corn, White sesame, Soybean, Rice, Job's Tears, Chickpea, Common Bean(jalo bean), Common Bean(roxinho bean), Rye, Lentil, Foxtail-millet, Cashew Nut, Japanese Walnut, Brazil Nut, Reishi, Shiitake, White Mushroom, Almond Mushroom
Maintain your overall health by replenishing your enzymes with 160 ingredients.
Enzymes are used in various functions such as digestion and the breakdown of food. When enzymes become insufficient in our body, metabolic ability drops down to an extent where digestion and breakdown of food become difficult, causing the body to feel more tired and exhausted.
When enzymes are low, breakdown and digestion of food slows down, making the food stay in the stomach much longer than usual. Continuation of this vicious cycle adversely affects our health.
The number of antioxidant, digestive, and metabolic enzymes are found to decline drastically as we age. Amylase enzymes secreted in the saliva of seniors in their 70’s are found to be 30x less than those of men in their 20’s.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Ju***** /
When I started studying oriental medicine, I had a headache from stress and constipation, and my face became hot with menopausal symptoms. So, while I... was looking for health food, I realized the importance of enzymes and purchased enzyme rings. Before that, I only took vitamins, but I wanted to feel that the role of enzymes is more important to the body. After taking it, every day changed. Not only my mood but also my body became lighter. As I spend every day energetically, I have developed an affinity for Enzyme Ring, so I take about 8 a day. Show more
한의학 공부를 시작하면서 스트레스와 변비로 머리가 아프고 갱년기 증상에 얼굴이 화끈거렸습니다. 그래서 건강식품을 찾던 중 효소의 중요성을 알게되어 효소환을 구입하게 되었습니다. 그 전에는 비타민만 복용하였지만 효소라는 역할이 몸에 더욱 중요함을 느끼고 싶었습니다. 복용 후 하루하루가 달라졌습니다. 기분뿐만 아니라 몸도 가벼워졌습니다. 활기차게 매일을 보내다보니 효소환에 대한 애착이 생겨 매일 하루 8 정도씩 챙겨먹고 있습니다.
Ju***** /
Studying herbal medicine gave me a lot of stress, which led to constipation issues, headaches, and hot flashes. I started to look for a health supplem... ent and found Koso Balls. I used to take vitamins but I wanted to test enzymes to see what effect they would have on my body. I felt different each day as I took Koso Balls; I felt better, my body felt lighter, and I had more energy. Now I take 8 Koso Balls daily. Show more
Ok***** /
After entering menopause, I often have mouth ulcers, and blisters the size of millet grains grow all over my mouth and even to the tip of my tongue. I... felt a burning needle-like pain, and I couldn`t even eat because of the pain in my mouth. I thought it might be due to lack of vitamins, so I started supplementing with vitamins, but it didn`t work. Occasionally I heard from a friend that if there is a lack of enzymes in the body, gum disease can also develop, and lent me a Umeken health magazine. I started to read with a skepticism, only to find that the symptoms I was experiencing were described in the book. I had an hour-long consultation with a counselor in order to purchase enzyme pills suitable for post-menopausal consumption. After all, it was the first time I tried the product, so I was a little hesitant, but in the end, I was in the mood to try it out, and I decided to trust Umeken`s one-time mood and bought the enzyme pill. Taking it for 1 week has almost no effect. However, after taking it for 2 weeks, when I wake up in the morning, I feel very refreshed and my digestive function has greatly improved. Originally, my stomach function was relatively weak, and I often hiccups. After taking Umeken, the number of hiccups gradually decreased. The most important thing is that after 1 month of taking it, the burning pain in my mouth, the blisters the size of millet grains are gone. This is amazing. At that moment I was convinced: "This enzyme pill is really a good product!" First of all, it has a significant effect on the symptoms of menopause (the disease in my mouth and the symptoms of menopause are all cured.) Second, the Umeken brand means the manufacturing process, And all other aspects are trustworthy. Umeken Enzyme Pills are really good products that you can trust. I appreciate.
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進入更年期以後,我經常出現口腔潰瘍,整個口腔甚至到舌尖都長出小米粒大小的水泡。我感到火辣辣的針扎般的疼痛,因為口腔的疼痛連飯都吃不好。我覺得可能是因為缺乏維生素,所以開始補充維生素,卻毫無效果。偶然間我聽到一個朋友說如果體內缺乏酵素,也會形成牙齦疾病,還借給我一本Umeken健康雜誌。我半信半疑地開始讀起來,結果發現我身上出現的癥狀在書中都有所描述。爲了購買適合更年期以後服用的酵素丸,我和諮詢員進行了長達一個小時的諮詢。畢竟是頭一次嘗試的產品,我是有些猶豫,不過最後還是懷著試試看的心情,決定相信Umeken一次的心情,購買了酵素丸。服用1周幾乎沒有任何效果。但是,服用2周之後,早上起床,我感覺心情非常清爽,消化功能也得到了很大的改善。本來我的胃功能比較弱,經常打嗝,服用Umeken以後,漸漸地,打嗝的次數減少了。最重要的是,在我服用1個月之後,口腔內那種火辣辣的疼痛、小米粒大小的水泡都消失了。這真是太神奇了。那一刻我才確信:“這個酵素丸真是好產品!” 首先,對更年期的癥狀有顯著效果(我口腔內的疾病和更年期的癥狀全都治愈了。)第二,Umeken的品牌意味著製造過程,以及其它各個方面都值得信賴。Umeken酵素丸真是值得信賴的好產品。我非常感謝。
Ag***** /
My daughter always ate outside, so she was very constipated and frowned. However, after taking the enzyme pill, 2-3 days after taking it, it felt like... everything that was inside came out. I was also very comfortable with the color of my stool and how I feel after having a bowel movement. I always have a heavy head when I wake up in the morning, how did I spend the day, but these days I feel my head is getting cooler. My husband also takes it two or three times a day and says it is better than any other medicine. Through the Hyoson Hwan booklet from Umeken, I learned how important enzymes are in our body. Show more
딸은 늘 바깥 음식을 사 먹는 편이어서 그런지 변비가 심해서 찡그리며 다녔습니다. 그런데 효소환 복용후 2~3일후부터 속에 차 있던 것이 모두 나온것 같다고 기분 좋아했습니다. 저또한 변의 색깔과 배변 후의 기분이 아주 편안했습니다. 늘 아침에 일어났을때 머리가 무겁워 오늘 하루는 어떻게 보내나했는데 요즘은 머리가 시원해지는 것을 느낍니다. 남편도 하루에 두세번씩 꼭 챙겨먹고 어떤 보약보다도 좋다고 합니다. 우메켄에서 나오는 효손환 책자를 통해서 효소가 우리몸에서 얼마나 중요한 역할을 하는지 알게 되었습니다.