Enjoy the healthful benefits of noni and plum in one, easy-to-consume supplement, the Umeken’s Noni Plum Ball. Made with high-quality, organic noni and plum extract, concentrated to be 50x stronger.
Approx. 900 PIECES (6.4 OZ, 180G) / Approx. 3 Month Supply
Noni: Noni is an exotic tropical fruit from the South Pacific. It contains more than 200 different nutrients: 18 amino acids, 7 minerals, 12 vitamins. It has an abundance of naturally-occurring polysaccharides, phytonutrients, bioflavonoids and unique fatty acid esters.
Japanese plum: This fruit contains high concentration of citric acid, 58% more than lemons.
Enjoy the healthful benefits of noni and plum in one, easy-to-consume supplement, the Umeken’s Noni Plum Ball.
Helps metabolism
Based on 29 Reviews
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Disclaimer: Product reviews are provided for informational purposes only and reflect solely the views and opinions expressed by the consumers and not those of Umeken USA. Umeken does not write consumer reviews and they do not necessarily reflect the experience of a typical consumer. Some customers were provided free products in exchange for providing reviews. No consumer reviews have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Sa***** /
I have finished one of the Ume power ball. then, I purchase the Koso ball on July. it's such a great product. this order is my 2nd Koso ball. wil... l continue to purchase your product in future. Show more
Ji***** /
My family has had a bad stomach from generation to generation, but after eating plum extract, I felt more comfortable and my blood pressure went down.... I`m quick-tempered, so I went straight to the American doctor and showed it to me. Then they said it was a good product without side effects and told me to keep eating. Show more
저희 집안은 대대로 위가 좋지 않은데, 매실 액기스를 먹고 나서부터는 늘 쓰리고 더부룩하던 게 편안해지고 혈압도 내려 갔습니다. 저는 성격이 급한 편이라 미국 닥터에게 바로 가서 보여줬죠. 그랬더니 사이드 이펙트가 없는 좋은 제품이라며 계속 먹으라고 하더군요.
Su***** /
I had three health problems. First, my cholesterol was so high that I had to take cholesterol pills. However, when I took the medicine, I had no energ... y, so I had a lot of trouble moving. Perhaps because of the influence of cholesterol, my face gradually darkened, and later I became ashamed to go out. And because of such a weak body, the mind also suffered, and the nerves were also weakened. In the meantime, my younger brother ate Umeken calcium and said it was effective and said it was good for blood circulation, and gave me plums. I believed my brother`s words and ate it steadily, but one day, when I did a test, the chronic bad cholesterol level went down. There was nothing else, but the only thing I ate was plum extract. Also, my face gradually became whiter and my complexion became brighter, so I received many greetings saying that it looked good. Show more
저는 3가지 건강상의 어려움이 있었습니다. 첫째는 콜레스테롤이 아주 높아 콜레스테롤 약을 복용해야 했습니다. 그런데 약을 먹으면 기운이 없어 거동에 불편이 많았죠. 콜레스테롤의 영향때문인지 얼굴이 점점 까매지더니 나중에는 외출하기도 부끄러울 정도가 되었습니다. 그리고 이런 약한 몸으로 인하여 마음도 힘들어지니 신경까지 쇠약해졌습니다. 그러던 중에, 동생이 우메켄 칼슘을 먹고 효과를 봤다며 혈액순환에 좋다라고 하면서 매실을 선물해 주었습니다. 동생의 말이니 믿고 꾸준히 먹었는데 어느날 검사를 해보니 고질적인 나쁜 콜레스테롤 수치가 내려가 있었습니다. 다른 것은 없고 딱 매실엑기스 먹은 것 밖에는 없었는데요. 그리고 얼굴도 점점 하얗게 되고 안색이 밝아져 보기 좋다는 인사를 많이 받았습니다.
Le***** /
This is identical to the Ume balls I purchased in Japan some years ago, which made me very happy. As a long distance runner and triathlete with sens... itive digestive system, I can't stomach energy drinks, gels, bars, etc. during the race or post-race without feeling drained and lousy for the rest of the day, and sometimes even the next day. But if I take 10 of these Ume balls with plenty of water first thing in the morning on race days, or before I head out for long runs, then everything is great and I can go on with the rest of my day unimpaired once I'm done with my workout. Highly recommended, and the ingredients are all natural, which is a huge plus. Growing up in Japan, Ume (plum) product was a quick and all natural solution to many ailments. This product definitely lives up to this fruit's amazingly high standard. Show more